Friday 25 November 2016

Best Personal Injury Attorney in Los Angeles, CA

If you have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness, it’s important to hire the best personal injury attorney in Los Angeles to protect your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. A serious injury can have a devastating impact on your life and make it difficult to work, enjoy your hobbies, and even perform daily tasks.

Law Office of Tawni Takagi - Personal Injury Lawyers Los Angeles offers skilled legal representation to Californians who have been hurt due to someone elses’ negligence or reckless behavior.  Our law firm represents individuals and family members who have been injured in traffic accidents like truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and car accidents. We also represent injury victims hurt in workplace injuries and by defective products.


Slip and fall accidents are more common than most realize, and they can lead to far more than embarrassment. Slip and fall injuries are the leading cause of emergency room visits in the United States and a leading cause for missed work days. While many slip and fall accidents occur at home, these accidents can happen almost anywhere if a property is not well maintained.

Slip and fall accidents, also known as premises liability cases, may be very complex because it is necessary to prove liability, negligence, and damages. If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident in California, a Los Angeles slip and fall attorney can help you explore your legal rights and seek compensation for your injuries.

If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident, seek legal counsel right away before discussing your accident with an insurance company. A slip and fall lawyer in Los Angeles will work on your behalf to establish liability and seek fair compensation for your injuries. Contact the Law Office of Tawni Takagi today for a free consultation with a slip and fall attorney in Los Angeles to discuss your case.


Pedestrian accidents are, unfortunately, common throughout Greater Los Angeles. In fact, pedestrians account for almost one-quarter of traffic fatalities in California, according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Over 700 people are killed every year in pedestrian traffic accidents and at least 12,000 are hurt, according to the California Highway Patrol (CHP). About one out of every five pedestrian fatalities are seniors.

If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a pedestrian accident in California, a Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer can help you explore your legal options and seek the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

California leads the nation in pedestrian deaths and the percentage of pedestrian fatalities continues to rise compared to all traffic deaths. According to a recent report, 70% of pedestrian deaths occurred at night and nearly 70% of victims were male, more than a third of victims had blood alcohol levels exceeding the legal limit. Speed often plays a role in pedestrian accidents.

Thursday 10 November 2016

The Best Truck Accident Lawyer in Canoga Park, CA

Truck accidents are all too common in California and these accidents often result in significant injuries, especially when the accident involves a passenger car colliding with a commercial truck. Every year, there are more than 200 fatal truck accidents in California and more than 5,000 truck accidents that cause injuries, according to the California Highway Patrol. If you have been hurt in a truck accident in Los Angeles, a truck accident lawyer los angeles can help you explore your options and build a case to seek fair compensation for your injuries.

If you have been hurt in a truck accident in Los Angeles, it’s important to seek representation from an experienced truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles. Truck accident claims are usually complicated as many parties may be liable, including the driver, the trucking company, and the company in charge of maintenance. Do not speak to an insurance company before you talk to a Los Angeles truck accident attorney about your case as the insurance adjuster’s job is minimizing payouts for the company. Accepting an offer or making a statement can limit or forfeit your right to additional compensation for your injuries. Contact the Law Office of Tawni Takagi today for a free consultation with a truck accident attorney in Los Angeles to discuss your case. Any delays in seeking treatment or hiring an personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, California can bring the validity of your injury claim into question.

Insurance companies routinely take advantage of accident victims when they are vulnerable and recovering from a traumatic and painful incident. This includes using what an accident victim says against them and offering settlements that do not even cover the victim’s medical expenses. When you seek legal counsel, your injury attorney will take over all communications with the insurance company to protect your rights. From there, your attorney will gather documentation and evidence to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company. Our Best Personal Injury Attorney in Los Angeles have helped numerous families struggling with the untimely loss of a loved one.

We offer compassionate representation to help you navigate the complex process of filing a wrongful death lawsuit. While a wrongful death settlement cannot bring back your loved one, it can hold the responsible party accountable and give your family the financial resources to focus on healing. At Los Angeles Injury Group, we do not charge upfront fees. In fact, you do not pay anything unless we win your case. Hiring an injury lawyer is the best way to improve your chances of fair compensation and avoid being taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Every truck accident case is unique, and there are dozens of potential causes of any accident. Still, several factors contribute to most truck accidents in California

  • Driver fatigue. Driving a truck for long hours can be exhausting. Federal laws require truck drivers keep logs and limit their time on the road, but driver fatigue is still common. Driver fatigue is believed to be the number one cause of truck accidents in the U.S.
  • Speeding. 18 wheelers take much longer to stop than passenger vehicles. Truck drivers who are driving too fast can easily lose control of the truck or rear-end another vehicle. According to federal statistics, 24% of commercial truck drivers involved in an accident had at least one speeding violation on their record.
  • Poor loading. The way in which the truck’s trailer is loaded can impact how the truck handles on the road.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Top Personal Injury Attorney in Los Angeles, CA

If you or someone you love has been seriously hurt in an accident, a Los Angeles personal injury attorney can help you protect your rights and rebuild your life. Los Angeles Injury Group specializes in personal injury and accident cases with a proven track record of success.

If you have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness, it’s important to hire an experienced personal injury in Los Angeles to protect your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. A serious injury can have a devastating impact on your life and make it difficult to work, enjoy your hobbies, and even perform daily tasks.

Any delays in seeking treatment or hiring an injury attorney can bring the validity of your injury claim into question. Insurance companies routinely take advantage of accident victims when they are vulnerable and recovering from a traumatic and painful incident. This includes using what an accident victim says against them and offering settlements that do not even cover the victim’s medical expenses. When you seek legal counsel, your injury attorney will take over all communications with the insurance company to protect your rights. From there, your attorney will gather documentation and evidence to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company.

At Law Office of Tawni Takagi, we do not charge upfront fees. In fact, you do not pay anything unless we win your case. Hiring an injury lawyer is the best way to improve your chances of fair compensation and avoid being taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Every year, more than 600 people are killed in auto accidents in Los Angeles County and thousands more are left with serious injuries such as fractures, brain injuries, spinal injuries, amputation, and disfigurement. Pedestrians, meanwhile, are at an even higher risk for serious injuries and fatalities in an accident. Los Angeles has the dubious distinction of being the pedestrian death capital of the United States with pedestrians accounting for 35% of all traffic fatalities, far above the national average of 14%.

At Los Angeles Injury Group, we are dedicated to holding negligent and reckless drivers accountable for their actions. We represent victims of car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents in seeking fair compensation and avoiding the many pitfalls of relying on the insurance company.